I am lawyer in Delhi From zero to zenith it has always been wait and watch for me-always belying myself that- may be - not again.They say: poor is not the one who is without money only but the one who is booted and humiliated by all and sundry. I am exactly the one!!

Monday, May 19, 2008


I am a lawyer and a social activist based in this bustling, beautiful, green city of 15 million - New Delhi- the capital of my beloved country: India

Truth and justice is the pivot around which my sky of consciousness and thoughts circumnutates.

The attachment with truth and justice seems to be etched in the telomerase of our chromosomes. My brothers and sisters my parents and fore-fathers share the trait in varying degrees.

Giving up my atavistic core values is akin to giving up my head.

My uncle i.e. elder brother of my father died of wounds he had received while trying to protect a stranger from criminals.

My late father had a history of getting into trouble for others by taking up the cause of victims of goons and ruffians in a predominantly Muslim dominated locality in Kolkata the erstwhile British capital of India. The bootleggers and wagerers got him twice behind bars on trumped up charges. He lived a life amidst threats, harassment, and assaults and breathed his last in it. He was never repentant for the trial and tribulation he underwent.

I joined a number of organizations, afectating to be espousing the cause of the oppressed and underprivileged but I abandoned them sooner therefore.

I have helped form "Assembly of People of Heart" registered with the Registrar of Societies Govt. of India in the last week of April 2008. I am its Vice-chairman. I pray and hope that I am able to deliver.

Now we are campaigning against cruelty on draft animals, in Delhi.