An Indian lawyer's diary
I am lawyer in Delhi From zero to zenith it has always been wait and watch for me-always belying myself that- may be - not again.They say: poor is not the one who is without money only but the one who is booted and humiliated by all and sundry. I am exactly the one!!
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Friday, September 8, 2017
shakil ahmed
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
REWinn: Tuesday: Catching Thieves, Replacing Starters
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
[Shared Post] Israel and the U.S. CREATED Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda
Israel and the U.S. CREATED Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Saturday, July 5, 2014
'Caliph Ibrahim' demands obedience from Muslims
That marks a significant change for the shadowy jihadist whose Islamic State (IS) group led a lighting offensive that has overrun swathes of five provinces north and west of Baghdad.'Caliph Ibrahim' demands obedience from Muslims
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
China bans Ramadan fast in Muslim northwest
Statements posted Wednesday on websites of schools, government agencies and local party organizations in the Xinjiang region said the ban was aimed at protecting students’ wellbeing and preventing use of schools and government offices to promote religion. Statements on the websites of local party organizations said members of the officially atheist ruling party also should avoid fasting.
“No teacher can participate in religious activities, instill religious thoughts in students or coerce students into religious activities,” said a statement on the website of the No. 3 Grade School in Ruoqiang County in Xinjiang.
Similar bans have been imposed in the past on fasting for Ramadan, which began at sundown Saturday. But this year is unusually sensitive because Xinjiang is under tight security following attacks that the government blames on Muslim extremists with foreign terrorist ties.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Bengali wizard claims overpowering ghost cat

Monday, August 31, 2009
Ghost cat terrorise Muslims of Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh.

There has been scores of attacks and hundreds of sighting.Yesterday the residents of Noor Basti beat up Shabana a dancer until she passed out. Somebody had spread the word that the black cat had entered her body.
The ghost cat reportedly attacked one Sharique of Telia Chowk yesterday another reported of seeing the ghost cat turning into a fox. Afzal of Arabic Madarsa was attacked inside the madarsa. The incidents is keeping mounting up.
The localities worst hit by the black shadow of devil and black cat are:Pandoli, Dhola Beri, Chalkana, Than Keri, Noor Basti, Choob Froshan, Mojhalla Mufti, Mohalla Ayi, nanota Nagal, Garhi Maluk, Shyam Puri Gopal Nagar e.t.c. There are 400 localities haunted by the ghost cat.
All attempts by authorities to dispel the terror of black cat and black shadow has come to nought. S.S.P Amit Chandra is fighting a losing battle in making the believers believe that phenomenon is nothing but hoax and a mischief. Faithfuls are swearing: it is real.
One Mr. Hashim a 6o year old hafiz ,and a long aquaintence reported to me that he had been to Saharanpur and he himself the black ghost attacking his acquaintence in full view of a score of on-lookers.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
India is Collapsing
If you could only read the writtin on the wall and possess a Rosetta Stone. Our established institutions , our pillars are collapsing. Many were startled by revealation made by a number of Supreme Court and High Court judges, and some do'nt that our Criminal Justice System is collapsing.
No other than our own Primeminister Hon'ble Manmohan Singh declared, while addressing the nation from the ramparts of Red Fort, that corruption is our worst enemy last year.
25000 atom bombs did not prevent Soviet Union from collapsing.
Can we pre-empt our collapse with a pay-load 80 crore hungry and cancer of curroption effecting every single organ.
Wether it is Central Govt or State Govenments they are govern like a scared, shrunk, squirming rabbit or like masons working inside a delipidated, brittle crumbling mansion, ever afraid of messing up and collapse
Sunday, August 9, 2009
adoption petition
Petitioners: (1) Smt. Annie Rodgers Ravish,
Adult, Occupation Service,
- Shri Edward Bernard Ravish,
Adult, Occupation Service.
Both residing at 15350, Sweetwater Court, South Port, Myers, Florida 33912,
Through their Power of Attorney Holder:
Shri Vijaybhai Anubhai Pandit,
Adult, Superintendent of Mahipatram Rupram Ashram, Outside Raipur Gate, Raipur, Ahmedabad-380 022;
- Mahipatram Rupram Ashram Trust,
Outside Raipur Gate, Raipur,
Opponent: Indian Council of Social Welfare,
At Municipal Bal Bhavan,
Sanskar Kendra, Paldi,
Ahmedabad-380 007.
In the matter of an application under Sections 7 & 26 of Guardian and Wards Act, 1890 for the appointment of guardian of minor female child RATNA (whose due of birth is 8th My, 2006) and an Application for seeking permission of the Hon’ble Court to take minor female child RATNA.
The Petitioners above named beg to submit as under:
- The Petitioners No. 1 is aged about 58 years and resident and citizen of United States of America. Petitioner No. 1 has capacity, ability and is entitled to take minor female child RATNA in adoption as per Law applicable to the petitioner No. 1 in his Country, U. S. A. The Petitioner No. 1 and 3 are desirous of bringing up, looking after and educating as their own daughter a minor female child RATNA and, therefore, both the Petitioners No. 1 and 2 have given Power of Attorney to Shri Vijay A. Pandit, who is the Superintendent of the Petitioner No. 3, Ashram Trust to follow the legal procedure to take the Indian minor female child RATNA (whose date of birth is 8th May, 2006) in guardianship of Petitioner No. 1 and in adoption as per Law Applicable to the Petitioners No. 1 and 2 in their Country.
- The Petitioners No. 1 and 2 submit that either the Petitioners No. 1 and 2 or Petitioner No. 3 have not received or agreed to receive and that no person has made or given or agreed to make or to give to petitioners No. 1 and 2 and/or the petitioner No.3 any payment or reward or any consideration for the proposed adoption. It is further submitted that petitioners No. 1 and 2 have not given any amount as donation to the petitioner No. 3 Ashram Trust for adopting the said minor female child RATNA and the petitioners No. 1 and 2 also submit that no demand for donation has been made from petitioners No. 1 and 2 by the petitioner No. 3 Ashram Trust. Not only that, but the petitioner No. 1 and 2 submit that no amount of either by way of maintenance or expenses has been taken or asked by the Petitioner No. 3 Ashram. The Petitioner Nos. 1 and 2, further submit that the petitioner No. 1 and 2 have also not given any amount either by way of maintenance or expenses on any account to the petitioner No. 3 Ashram.
- The Petitioners No. 1 and 2 have selected minor female child RATNA, nine months old, her birth date is 8th May, 2006 for adoption. The said child is abandoned by her real mother. The said child is destitute one having no parents or guardian, who can take care of her. The whereabouts of her real mother is not known. The paternity is also not known. The said child has no near relatives and has no viable means of subsistence other than that of charity. The said minor child is being taken care of the Petitioner No. 3.
- The Petitioner No. 1 was born in Younkers, New York in 1948. The parents of the petitioner No. 1 gave her up for adoption “Through Children Services” in Connecticut when she was 20 months old. The adoptive parents of Petitioner No. 1, Arnold and Mary Rogers, had given her name “Annie”. The petitioner No. 1 had attended boarding School in Massachusetts in 9th Standard upto 12th Standard. She attended the University of Connecticut with a lifetime friend as a Roommate and received a bachelor of Arts in a Special Education. Then she started her work on an internship in teaching at Saint Joseph Collect and taught there for three years, first at the Hartford Regional Centre for profoundly mentally retarded children a Class of IV. Thereafter, the petitioner No. 1 met her first Husband, Mr. James Johnson. Their marriage was lasted for only one month and petitioner No. 1 took divorce from Mr. James Johnson. Thereafter, petitioner No. 1 married to Joseph Carton on 18th April, 1974 in Tennessee. The petitioner No. 1, thereafter, worked in a School with Autistic Children with her Second Husband.
- The Petitioner No. 1 married to petitioner No. 2 on 2nd October, 1988. The Petitioner No. 2 was born on 2nd September, 1932 in Massachusetts. His father was a Carpenter and his mother was an instructor in War Factory, making instruments. The Petitioner No. 2 joined the Navy at the age of 18 after graduating from High School. The Petitioner No. 2 became a Pilot, while petitioner No. 2 served from 1951 to 155 to Korea. Thereafter, the petitioner No. 2 has started attending Boston College in 1956 on the G. I. Bill, worked and obtained his Bachelor’s Degree. The Petitioner No. 2 married first time to Helene and his marriage was lasted for 17 years from 1971 to 1988. The Petitioner No. 2 built six houses and rented five of them. The Petitioner No. 2 has also obtained his Masters in Social Work Degree and was certified in marriage and family therapy.
- The Petitioner No. 1 and 2 have enough economic resource to maintain their family. Both petitioners No. 1 and 2 have family income and Edward earns $34,500/- per annum and Annie earns $20,000/- per annum with the Corporation. The Petitioners No. 1 and 2 have received gift worth US$.1,50,000/-. The Petitioner No. 2 covered by the Life Insurance worth $3.20,000/- and also Petitioner No. 1 covered by the Life Insurance $20,000/-.
- The Petitioner No. 1, further, submits that the Petitioner No. 1 and his wife are having god physical health and do not have any problem that might prevent them from making suitable care of child. The Petitioners further submit that neither Petitioner No. 1 nor Petitioner No. 2 are suffering from any physical or mental disease nor they are under physical disability and/or incapacity that will detrimentally affecting their fitness to have custody of and educate the child. The Petitioner No. 1 further submits that both the Petitioners No. 1 and 2 have crossed the age where they can have biological child. Therefore, they have decided to adopt and to get the Petitioner No. 1 appointed as a Legal Guardian of the minor female child RATNA for the purpose of adoption. Hence, this Petition.
- The Petitioner No. 1 and his wife are fully aware of the fact that scientific studies have proved that child deprived of maternal care, warmth and love is subject to physical and mental damage. The Petitioner No. 1 and 2 are in a position to offer the said minor female child RATNA, the maternal and physical care, warmth and love of mother. The Petitioner No. 1 and 2 further submit that the said minor child will also satisfy the Petitioner No. 1 and 2’s deep rooted craving to bring up, educate and give love to the said minor.
- The Petitioner No. 1 further submits that the minor female child RATNA is abandoned by her real mother and has no guardian or relative, who can take care of her. She is destitute one; she has no property anywhere in India. She is being taken care of by the Petitioner No. 1 Ashram, under whose care and custody there are many children. The Petitioner No. 1 submits that the said child is being properly looked after by the Petitioner No. 3 Ashram, but love, warmth and affection, which mother can give cannot be given by the Ashram. Hence, the Petitioner No. 1 can be better guardian to bring up, look after and educate the said minor female child. It is also in the interest and welfare of the minor female child RATNA to appoint the Petitioner No. 1 as Guardian. The Petitioner No. 1 assures that the said minor will get all parental love, affection and status, because of his adoption by the Petitioner No. 1.
- The Petitioner No. 1 and 2 states that best of their information and belief, no guardian has been appointed so far either for the person or for the property of the said minor female child RATNA. The Petitioner No. 1 and 2 have also learnt that so far no application has been made to any competent Court for the appointment of the guardian for the person of the said minor female child. The Petitioners further state that in view of the facts that petitioner No. 1 and 2 are the resident and citizen of United States of America, the Petitioner No. 1 is desirous to take said minor female child RATNA in adoption and for the said purpose, the petitioner No. 1 wants to take out the minor female child out of the jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court. The Petitioners further state that said minor female child has no property of her own and Petitioner No. 1 does not desire to be appointed as guardian of the property of minor female child RATNA, but only prays to be appointed as guardian of the person of the said minor female child RATNA. It is further submitted that the Certificate of Clearance has been issued by Voluntary Coordinating Agency for Adoption of Gujarat State on 14th August, 2006. It is further submitted that Central Adoption Resource Agency i.e. CARA an Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment of Government of India has also given No Objection Certificate to the Petitioner No. 3 for the placement of the said minor female child RATNA with foreign prospective adoptive parents i.e. Petitioner No. 1 and 2 on 9th January, 2007, with specific conditions mentioned on the back side of the Certificate and, thereafter, this Petition has been filed.
- The Petitioners, therefore, pray as under:
- The Hon’ble Court may be pleased to appoint the Petitioner No. 1 as guardian of the minor female child RATNA (whose date of birth is 8th may, 2006) and Guardianship Certificate to that effect be issued in favor of the Petitioner No. 1 with a photograph of minor female child RATNA duly affixed and attested on the Guardianship Certificate.
- The Petitioner No. 3 be directed to give custody of the minor female child RATNA to the Petitioner No. 1 or to the Petitioner No. 2 and Petitioner No. 1 and 2 be further permitted to take the said female child RATNA to New Jersey, U. S. A.
- The Hon’ble Court further be pleased to direct the Learned Registrar of this Hon’ble Court to affix and duly certify the photograph of the minor female child RATNA on the Certified copy of the Judgment of this Petition.
- Any other and further relief as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case be granted.
- The address of the Petitioner as shown in the cause title of the Petition are true and is in conformity of Order VI Rule 14-A of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
- A list of documents, Vakalatnama and copies for the Opponent are appended herewith.
- The necessary Court-Fee Stamp is affixed on this Petition.
Place: Ahmedabad
Date: __/06/2008 ______________________
Power of Attorney of Petitioner No. 1 and 2 & Superintendent of Petitioner No. 3.
I, Vijay Anubhai Pandit, Power of Attorney holder of the Petitioner Nos. 1 and 2, adult, Superintendent of Mahipatram Rupram Ashram Trust, do hereby state and verify that what has been stated in Paragraph 1 to 3 and 7 to 10 are true to the best of my own knowledge, information and belief and Paragraph-4 to 6 are true as per the papers received from the adoption placement agency and I believe the same to be true.
Verified at Ahmedabad, on this ____ day of June, 2008.
Power of Attorney of Petitioner No. 1 and 2 & Superintendent of Petitioner No. 3.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Friday prayer and an innocent thief in Jamiat mosque.

Jamiat mosque at I.T.O New Delhi, India
As I descended the last stairs in its open cemented compound, facing the main gate, I was instinctively drawn towards the spot where a motley crowd of around 100 faithfuls had gathered around a person wearing loose blue shirt, red threads tied around his wrist. The man was terrified and was making weird gestures. He was the same man who distributed free Urdu News paper: " Aftab-e hind" to the faithfuls every Friday. I too had collected the newspaper from him a number of timesin the past. "pickpocket", "thief" such words bandied in the crowd. The cloud dissipated. The Mullaji - one of the maulanas and caretakers, a young man in his 30 had beckoned the poor man from inside the mosque compound. He refused his biddings. The Mullah had sprinted towards him. He made a bid to flee in panic. He was caught. As Mullaji grappled with him he laid himself flat on the sidewalk. The faithfuls coming out of the mosque after offering friday prayer lifted into the compound holding his hand and feet and without giving a second thoughtbeat him up. That was the end of the matter with him.
"Your manner of beckoning him must have been intimidating that made him panicky, given he is a poor fellow and belonging to another community." I said angrily.
The Mullahji retorted : " The same treatment would have been meted out to you if you had behaved like him"
"I would have thrashed you if you had done so with me" I said.
"you'd have known if it had only happened." replied mullaji dirisively.
Some lawyers from our court who had come to the mosque to offer Friday prayer approached the site and asked me to leave the place because they were afraid about my safety.
As I was leaving the mosque the mullahji passed highly derogatory and provocative comments. He also was making fun of my weak frail and poor dress to the accompaniment of laughter of the crowd of faithfuls there and additions and polishing up of taunts.
This happened day before yesterday on Friday the 24th June 2009 at grand Jamiat mosque situated at I.T.O New Delhi.
Remorseless Mullaji.
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Ass hole

She shook her head left and right . He answered back. She repeated the act half a dozen time so did he. She rushed towards him in quick steps and nudged him with her nose barely touching his body what appeared to be a gentle attempted caress. She stood motionless frozen for a moment. She lifted her right leg in a bend of 90 degree and then straightened it. She repeated it with her left leg. Left-right, left-right over and over and again, her legs hovering and sliding up and down his body. He lay there on sand filled rectangular bed where the title holder is yet to construct his house. She walked straight upto the desolate street , took a turn towards the north , went ahead a few metres , stopped and and turned her face back gazing at him , took a few more steps ahead in a jiffy . She was there on the sand bed standing away form him this time - her body cut half into mild yellow and greyish white by the morning sunlight and the red brick house in ther north, watching intently at him. Many of these assess and ponies are out of work because of Delhi High Court's stay on further encroachments and constructions on the vast tract of Yamuna river gobbled up by illegal settlers. So the emaciated and sickly creatures have to fend for themselves and they roam the streets and lanes trying to find food in garbage heaps which rarely have any thing worth eating for them and everywhere in this grassless and treeless waste.
Friday, June 6, 2008
hakim tried
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The world of rickshaw pullers in Delhi
The round the corner tea shack is the only shop that opens at 6A.M. - a rickshaw pullers only haunt. People here wake up an hour and half later than the rest of Delhi. The missing of morning newspaper, ever since I shifted here 4 months back is more than offsetted by the conversations, gossips - that to me is a thresh hold to a new world - that takes place among the rickshawpullers, laborers and in this small hut and which has graced me with moral duty to highlight there plight and take up their cause under the aegis of our newly formed Organisation: " movement for Economic Democracy". I share with you excerpts of their conversation adverbtim.
May 2008 Sunday
I was in the hut, 5 minutes walk away from my one room tenement at Okhla- predominantly Muslim locality close to now dried up and wasted river Yamuna.
" Brought medicines yesterday. Heaviness in the head and nausea go away"
said Rafi the rickshaw puller, emaciated , in his 20's who has taken to the job 6 month back.
"Nothing left in Delhi - prices are soaring - better labour in fields of others in the village"
Said Bholoo a middle aged one.
"But he has 3 sisters to marry " said the tea vendor pointing towards Rafi " I asked him, six days ago to go to medical( All India Institute of Medical Sciences) W hat does this quack know what has gone inside. They do free x-ray over there ."
"Why didn't you whirl your cycle chain at them - I would have done it if I had been in your place" said another in sandow and a piece of cloth wound around his lower torso.
" Easier said than done" said the tea vendor "Who cares about us - not even the police - we are always wrong always a suspect (of delinquency) - on street, in markert, in mosques, in shrines- one day they checked the bag of loharoo while he was coming out of mosque to ensure that he was not carrying away the sandals of the faithfuls".
Monday, May 19, 2008
Truth and justice is the pivot around which my sky of consciousness and thoughts circumnutates.
The attachment with truth and justice seems to be etched in the telomerase of our chromosomes. My brothers and sisters my parents and fore-fathers share the trait in varying degrees.
Giving up my atavistic core values is akin to giving up my head.
My uncle i.e. elder brother of my father died of wounds he had received while trying to protect a stranger from criminals.
My late father had a history of getting into trouble for others by taking up the cause of victims of goons and ruffians in a predominantly Muslim dominated locality in Kolkata the erstwhile British capital of India. The bootleggers and wagerers got him twice behind bars on trumped up charges. He lived a life amidst threats, harassment, and assaults and breathed his last in it. He was never repentant for the trial and tribulation he underwent.
I joined a number of organizations, afectating to be espousing the cause of the oppressed and underprivileged but I abandoned them sooner therefore.
I have helped form "Assembly of People of Heart" registered with the Registrar of Societies Govt. of India in the last week of April 2008. I am its Vice-chairman. I pray and hope that I am able to deliver.
Now we are campaigning against cruelty on draft animals, in Delhi.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Bulls amd men ofclay

.Ever since my stay here, when ever I happen to wake up any time in the night I would be met by a disturbing and terrific tradling, squeaking sound of a bullock cart zooming past till the muezzins’ call of adhan went up at the crack of dawn , and beyond. The rhythmic whack of baton in perfect rhyme with mad raining of hooves squeaks and treadles... The impressions would evaporate no sooner they would get registered in my mind matter of factedly.
Today I went in a different direction for my morning cup of tea in the open and walk and for that matter I ventured further north towards the Yamuna on my return journey. Was it an alive being with the senses of thirst, hunger, pain? Its mouth open in perfect 30 degree angle, bisected by a straight nearly cylindrical muddy tongue struggling to shoot out from the base. The mouth and tongue seemed locked still in a picture frame- out of thirst, hunger, pain or constriction it is difficult for me to say.
The bruised black open mouthed buffalo-bull answering the intermittent raining of batons with spurts of vertical jumps and then resuming the run. The cart was the size of a mini-truck laden with a mountain of grey sand loaded from the Yamuna bank. It was 7.30 in the morning. Alas! One more prayer had gone up from the minaret’s, dotting the sky line. “For Allah’s sake stop this cruelty”. It was 120 days and 120 nights the poor creature had been undergoing the merciless travails and how many more days lay ahead of him to be a perfect clay.
I sat brooding on the side walk with a Rs.3/- pen and a piece of soiled paper: “Ah Allah has not enabled me to have a digital camera to capture the life of men”., a small caravan of 3 elders and probably seven children passed by the size of procession never swelled till the grave yard. None of the faithful gave their ritualistic at least few steps together to the corpse and the bereaved. The oldest among them in his 60’s walked with the body wrapped in sparkling white coffin the two ends of which was tied giving the package a shape of bottle, in his lap. The body was that of a child but not of a baby.
One of the children walked behind holding a small polythene bag which showed a packet of incense stick a match box and some other stuff. In his left hand, with the other he held her sister’s hand firmly who seemed half his age.
This was a patch of soiled men of clay. The next day when my bruised heart sought solace from another one, one of my Hindu friends said;” It is because of their previous bad karmas because of which they are suffering. My Muslim friend said “it is the will of Allah the master of all affairs, a sin to thing otherwise”
Sunday, April 6, 2008
First knock of death in my head! and then others
My Aunt Husna was the only person among the neighbours and their relatives who would give her company against the advise of many.
She would say "kisi sey nafrat aur ghin nahi karna chahiye "one should not or be averse to anybody for these reasons". " jo hota hai Allah key hukum sey hota hai"i.e Whatever happens happens by the will of Allah"
My Aunt was a very plain, simple,kindhearted and God fearing person.
Regretfully the events and circumstances leading to the death of my aunt still makes me sad and remorseful and sombre.
It is nearly 25 years when she died. It was a couple of days before Eid festival when she began to writhe with pain in her left arm and chest.
She lay on the floor writhing in pain and whimpering all the time. Father had no money on him to bear the expenses of doctor or medicine. We would give her PUDINHARA capsules and husk of flax seeds thinking that the gas must be resulting from gas..
For every second of the 48 hours she lay writhing and whimpering, day and night. She was lying on a separate bedding next to me when I went to sleep. It was probably 2 o'clock in the morning when I woke up to the sound of loud thud and sound of deep blow of air. I saw aunt face down fallen. She had been to the toilet.
I shouted plaintively " bari amma ko kya ho gaya" " bari amma ko kya ho gaya" meaning "what
has happened to bari amma'
Father asked me to go to Islamia Hospital at Chitranjan Avenue and fetch a doctor.
I wondered how "How I am going to address him?, What should I say? . Now suppose if he losses his temper? I formulated words and sentences and kept rehearsing till I reached the hospital.
A couple of junior doctors from the hostel readily and matter of factedly accompanied me home. They declared aunt dead. Sobs turned into cries.
Male members rushed in different in different direction carrying the message of aunt's death to relatives and acquaintences.
The mourners and her body was carried in an open lorry to Sola aana graveyard at Kidderpore where she was burried. The memoirs of graveyards is bit hazy can't say why.
Aunt stayed with us along with her daughter eversince uncle's untimely death. She was dependent on father.
My heart sank as we returned from the graveyard. I wont see Aunt anymore .Memories of the past came like heavy blocks of rocks on my being- my head, my heart my stomach, my leg my sole. I could defintely feel every organ and limb sad and exhausted like me.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Painful childhood
As we seven brothers and sisters grew up, our imporvishment also grew proportionately.
The meager income of father becoming smaller and smaller to fill the increasing size of our stomach and our other needs.
One day I rushed home at lunch break to be told by my mother that there was nothing to eat.
Notice from landlord to quit, electricity disconnection. Perpetual disturbed sleep because of ever increase in the number of transport companies and their business in the locality. The whole night our building would vibrate shake and our ears would drum with terrible noises. With the added terror of the gonads in the area.
One day I was just entering the main gate of our building when one kalloo a vendor below told me “your father is being beaten up by Aftab and others। Near medrasa Nidae Islam” I rushed to the spot and burst into cry. I saw my middle aged sick father who was recovering from T.B bleeding profusely from his mouth sitting in a corner. Everyone knew what his or her beating was like. This man had committed scores of murder. The gang to which this man belonged had committed scores of murder in the locality and maimed thousands of people permanently by then. The same man i.e. Aftab and his accomplice Noorul Abshar pinned Quasim the twelve year servant of my neighbour on the sidewalk below and pulled out all his hairs from his head, in full view of people .It was 11 am in the morning people were milling around every where and rubbing shoulders due to office rush. Quasim shrieked madly every time and the goon burst into laughter.
The goons owed allegiance to Congress(I) under Marxist rule. They were by God licensed killers. Their pet and tried method was to batter their victims with wooden planks or batons and later burn the weapon of offence. No one ever went to police. A few of them did and met with their sure and painful end. There were some who wrote to the chief minister and ministers but there never never was a response.
Every day they bought some one and tortured him for hours on ends nearly the whole night near C.M.O High School building around which they had grabbed properties of poor people. They had their dens in those buildings. They had put up a signboard of Mr. Somen Mitra. The Member of Parliament from Kolkata. Many of the tortures would take place in his presence. Mr. Somen Mitra attended the office daily for two hours in the evening.
The shriek and heart rending whimper of the victims would travel far and wide. When the victim would fall unconscious they would throw buckets of water on him and then resume the beatings, most often the exercise would start after midnight and continue till morning. In the morning we’d find the street or side walk abnormally clean. Because the goons had washed the spot of vomit, faeces and blood.
It was heart of the city flanked by cheek jowl tall buildings and residential quarters, flanked by broad streets roads and tall buildings and medrasas mosques etc with local police station Bow Bazaar police station 5 minutes walk, Calcutta Medical College and University, Police Head Quarters, Government Secretariat at most within 15-20 minutes walk.
Calcutta Police beat officers would in their beat pass by the spot। Police jeeps and vans would pass by the spot umpteen number of times but would never interfere, matter of factedly.
Mostly in the evening, quite too often the area would erupt with explosions. The goons would play bomb game with other groups of neighboring localities I/e Eden hospital road, Bow bazaar satta group, .Rabindra Sarani. They would throw crude bombs here and there madly, their threats and abuses rising to crescendo. The flames would rise a storey high.. But interestingly there never was an occasion when any of them received any injuries. It was mostly the unsuspecting passer byes squatters or children who received injuries or died in the blast. Some time the exchange of bombs would take place across Chitranjan Avenue the most important road Motorcade of dignitaries would pass through the रोड,.
Thought of home bring me tears
My urdu medium school
It was my first day, my admission was late. The teacher – the science teacher Mr. Ya made all the students stand and he went about his ritualistic beatings on the out stretched palms. I almost fainted out of fear and shame and lo my turn came. I was trembling with fear .I extended my palm at last lest the cane rained all over my body..
I struggled to read the Urdu text while other students were fluent.
My parents took pity on me and bought me elementary books and encouraged me to read newspaper headings.
My aunt Husna would give me lessons and made me revise.
I was promoted on trial may be because of my Cousin sister who was head teacher of the girl section which ran in the morning from 6-11 am.
I passed my madhyamiki.e high school by the skin of my teeth. I passed in third division. I had prayed to God that I would not ask for anything more.
Similarly I passed my higher Secondary School in third division……
My earliest days
It was a happy home, sweet home till I gained consciousness of immortal gloom that enveloped us and still stalks me from all side.
My father was not even able to bear school fees of Rs. 10/- because of big family consisting of 12 heads that included dependent aunt, and cousins.
I sat outside the office of principal, Aapa sat beside me. She had prepared me for the interview; I don’t remember the face of father. I remember hazily that he made me read from a colorful alphabet book. He talked to me English and probably asked simple questions. After coming out of the office, I narrated to Aapa what principal made me read and what questions he asked. Probably she was not happy with several of my answers.
My supervisor mam who was of dark complexion, young, middle height wore thick red lipstick on her lips and smelled with scent, would roam the lawns while children played, to see if any of us spoke in our native tongue। She always carried a wooden ruler. If any of the children, was found not speaking in english, she would impose a fine of six paisa. She would take the student to principal office to note down particulars. She was a dedicated supervisor with a remarkable memory.
She would keep a sharp eye on students: on our dress, manners, cleanliness and behaviors, inside the classroom and outside of it.
It was my cousin sister who got me admitted to Welland Gold Smith School, at Bow Street and helped me oft and on with expenses. I remember the first day in the school vividly. The assembly in the chapel was in full swing. I went running on the stage, interrupting the proceedings and told ma'm in my native language i/e Urdu: : "Main toilet jaaunga" She made me repeat twice or thrice: "May I go to toilet".
Then there was an uncle the proprietor of an optical shop. Everyday he would distribute chocolates to students who passed by his shop.
Our dress was blue pant and yellow shirt. Bhaijan: Aquil adopted son of my aunt or Haqqa chaccha, Osman bhai , a servant who was rather a family member, would fetch me from the school at 2pm.The school was in fact 10-15 minutes walk from my home.
One day Aquil bhai on way from school told me that they have bought kids at home. I was overjoyed and began to twist and jump with joy while walking along the sidewalk.
They were three kids, white, brown and the other a mixture of brown and white. The brown one survived. After one year or so it was stolen. The goat was tied to a lamppost below. I was quite attached with the goat and felt very sad for many days.
Boys could only study up to class 2 in the school so she got my school changed when I passed class I and got me admitted to Ling Liang English High School- at Phears Lane। It was a missionary school। It was the values I imbibed in my missionary Schools made me misfit in the present society I think, I am seeking and searching the same values everywhere।
There was and endemic problem to keep me in the school because of fees repeated default in payment of fees and accumulation, dress, shoes, books exercise books and of course my poor performance and bad hand writing and poor health because of malnutrition. Some of my teachers thought that I was suffering from some disease and would avoid close contact.
Nevertheless my neighbors and relatives thought that I was intelligent and good.
So at last I was taken out of Ling Liang school mid-way and admitted to an Urdu medium school. I loved my previous school inspite of all the trouble and worry and wept. But I never insisted my parents to let me there, because I felt pity on them.